Over 100 Testimonials from Doctors across India


“I am using Nefrosave & Nefrosave Forte in my Nephrology Practice for more than 10 years. I found Nefrosave reduces acute illness in Acute Kidney Injury cases not requiring dialysis and also shortens their hospital stay

I am using Nefrosave Forte to reduce Proteinuria in Diabetic Nephropathy, Primary and secondary glomerulopathies. In few cases proteinuria decreased to 400mg/dL with 3 months use”

“Compliments to Fourrts India for having Nefrosave which is working well in renal compromised patients in reducing Microalbuminuria”


"I have observed significant decrease in Albuminuria with us of Nefrosave in Diabetic Kidney Disease patients with Micro/Macro Albuminuria”